Monday, May 7, 2012

Heavenly Song

Slowly, quietly, tenderly, gently
Calling me back from my zone
I lay there covered in a blanket of darkness
Not knowing where my head roams.
Then faster, louder, panic-stricken now
My darling, awaken, please, dear?
I'm lost in this slumber, this heavenly song
Leave me alone, I want to stay here.

Selfish, alone, I'm wondering why
Why am I all alone in this place?
There's light shining down, from all around
I look up and see a beautiful face.

It shines like the sun, no, brighter, I think.
And rainbows of love fall on me.
Go, says a Voice, you've had a glimpse.
One day, you will return to Me.

Then hunger, and hatred, and loss, and pain
They flood over me as I fall.
Falling down in a deep, dark well
Where I can't see His light at all.

Slowly, quietly, tenderly, gently
Calling me back from this darkness inside
I need you, he cries, and I need him too,
So slowly, I open my eyes.

Deborah Faith Taylor

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